What is Auto-refill and how does it work?
What happens if you run out of credits and need to continue with your flossing work? We have options at your disposal, such as Auto-refill.
Auto-refill works by automatically purchasing prepaid credits when your credits fall below a certain threshold. So, for example, you could set it so that it automatically purchases 50000 credits when the credits fall below 12500. This way, you can keep better control of your purchases and the amount of your credits as well.
You can activate Auto-refill by going to "Payments and Plans", and selecting the "Auto-refill credits" tab. Check the "Enable auto-refill" box.
Select how many credits you want to buy per auto-refill by clicking on the "Automatically buy prepaid credits" dropdown selection.
And then, establish the credit balance threshold to do so on the "When prepaid credits balance falls below" dropdown.
Once you've finished, click the Save button, and you're done!