What is overage and how does it work?
Overage is an option to continue with flossing when you run out of credits. There is a fee associated with each additional email verified. Overage is turned off by default.
You can turn it on by unchecking the "stop after credits exhausted" option in your account settings.
However, overage fees can get pretty expensive, so we don't really recommend this as a solution. Pro plan subscribers get overage at $0.001 per email verified, $0.003 for Business, and $0.005 for Lite plan subscribers.

An alternative option would be to use the auto-refill credits feature. Auto-refill works by automatically purchasing prepaid credits when your credits fall below a certain threshold. So, for example, you could set it so that it automatically purchases 50000 credits when the credits fall below 12500. This way, you can keep better control of your purchases and the amount of your credits as well.