Email verification Action Options
If you’re using mailfloss with a supported email service provider such (ESP), you have four or five action options at your disposal, depending on the integration.

The first option “Manually decide action on bad emails” will display emails deemed invalid so you can decide an action on them. With Manual Mode set, you can later decide to delete, unsubscribe, ignore, or report the status as incorrect for all contacts mailfloss determined as invalid.
Basically, we’re gonna show you the results on a list and you will decide what you want to do with them
For more detailed information about the Manual option, check this article.

The second option, “Auto-Unsubscribe invalid emails”, will automatically unsubscribe all failed results from your list. This action is irreversible.
For more detailed information about the Auto-Unsubscribe option, check this article.

The third option “Auto-Delete invalid emails”, automatically deletes all the email addresses that
failed the verification process, and is also irreversible. Once deleted, the contact is gone for good and you won’t find it inside of your lists anymore.
For more detailed information about the Auto-Delete option, check this article.

The fourth option, "Auto-Update custom fields/tags", will automatically update invalid emails, indicating when it was flossed and why it was marked as bad. We consider this an advanced option since you need to have knowledge of how the tags and/or custom fields work. And, you guessed right, this action is also irreversible.
For more detailed information about the Auto-Update option, check this article.

The final option is “do nothing”. Basically, all this option does is send you an email report of the latest floss session, but doesn’t actually change anything inside of your ESP or mailfloss. This is most like boring, traditional email validation services, but is useful if you just want a report of the email verification statuses determined by mailfloss for the connected integration account and nothing more.
For more detailed information about the Do not modify option, check this article.