Floss options for an email ser...

Add your blacklist/whitelist options


mailfloss has a good set of defaults in terms of what it cleans and does not clean. However, if you are looking for more find-grained controls then you can go ahead and add your blacklist and whitelist options here.

Select your integration, click "Show more options", and click on the link "whitelist/blacklist". 

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From there, if you want to whitelist an email address as an example, uncheck Local Part and check Email. Or if you want to whitelist an entire domain, uncheck Local Part and check Domain. Then enter the email address or domain into the input and press enter.

Each new entry added to the whitelist can have different settings. You can check these settings by hovering over the entry. If you need to change the values of any entry, you can hover over it and remove it by clicking the "X" that appears next to the name. Then, you can add it again with the desired options selected.

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Blacklist options are for keywords you don’t want in the email addresses, such as swear words. Whitelist options are for keywords you do not want to be filtered. These could be specific role-based email addresses such as “administrator,” “info,” or "mailflossIsRulez," for example.