How to connect an email servic...

How to connect Mailerlite to mailfloss


integration Visit the integrations page

Visit the integrations page by clicking on “Integrations” in the left sidebar.

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2. Press the "Add integration" button

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3. Select Mailerlite from the integration options

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4. From your Mailerlite dashboard, click on "Integrations"

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5. Go to the "MailerLite API" section and click on "Use"

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6. Click on "Generate a new token"

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7. Give a name to your token and click on "Create token"

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8. Copy or download your token

Remember that, in case you disconnect your MailerLite account, you will need to have your token saved or create a new one.

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9. Back to your mailfloss app, paste your token and click the "Connect" button

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