Acceptable bounce rate
We know all of the hard work required to obtain a great list of subscribers, and our mission at mailfloss is to help you maintain a healthy and clean list without sacrificing any of them. We consider a healthy bounce rate at 5% or lower, and ideally below 3%, and mailfloss offers a range of options to stay in the healthy bounce rate zone.
Anything in the 7-8% range or above can be considered an unhealthy bounce rate that requires attention.
No email verification service can eliminate bounces completely.
Please note the only way to 100% truly verify an email address is real with the intended recipient on the other end is to have the recipient respond to a sent email and verify that they are real. No service will be able to get that completely right all of the time, but our Deep Clean engine is one of the best in the industry and we are constantly improving our service with new tests and techniques.
Remember that, in case you have a bounce rate higher than our acceptable rate, we have options our Aggressiveness Options which are designed to allow you to choose how hard you want to floss. As such, you may benefit with Aggressive mode (only temporarily) until your bounce rate lowers to acceptable levels. There's a "help me decide" link beside the Aggressiveness options that you can click on to help you decide if Aggressive might be the preferred option until the bounce rate has lowered into the healthy zone.